Tuesday, September 1, 2015

More Facebook Inconsistencies

There are many examples of Facebook inconsistencies. They will, for example allow Islamists to keep their posts alive and active. However, if you are someone who tells the truth about the Religion of Peas, such as Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, then it is more than likely that you will find the account suspended because somebody complained!!

This has happened multiple times to Pamela Geller because the Isbots are very busy little people who trawl her site so that they can make complaints of her posts being anti-Islam etc. Of course, it seems that neither Jew nor Christian can tell the truth about Islam and Mohammed in particular. 

There has been no real change in the fact that there are pedophiles and others of a similar bent who go after young girls and boys and groom them for sexual purposes. Children are not supposed to have Facebook accounts and yet they have them. Out there in the wide world there are young girls who are still willing to enter chat rooms on Facebook and they end up in a lot of trouble. 

Since I wrote my first post I can honestly say that things are no better with Facebook and that they continue to inconsistently apply their silly rules. They check the wrong people all of the time.